The start of diplomatic relations with Nepal
0. Introduction: the Nepalese people
0.1. The Exemplary Qualities of the Nepalese People (as per ChatGPT)
0.2. Our impression regarding the Nepalese people in general
0.3. Potential Benefits of These Qualities for Autistic Individuals
0.4. Nepal: One of the World’s Richest Countries, and a Hidden Potential.
0.5. Some odd peculiarities of Nepal
1. Our Organization and Diplomatic Relations
1.1. Track II Diplomacy (or Parallel Diplomacy)
1.2. Autistan Diplomatic Organization and Track II Diplomacy
2. Our letters to the Embassy of Nepal in Brasilia
2.1. Our introduction letter (5 pages, 17/10/2023)
2.2. Our presentation document (92 pages) Continuer à lire →